Google Ads

13 Ideas for Creating Profit Boosting PPC Ad Copy

Is there anything that makes business owners happier than seeing their ad click-through rates skyrocketing?


Ads are a paid method, so you want to make sure you’re using your budget to the max.

And in addition to all the PPC secrets we’ve discussed (including how to calculate your budget, and how to reduce your costs by improving your Quality Score), we’re gonna help you add another profit-boosting tool to your advertising toolbox.

We’re taking a look at 13 examples of great PPC ad copy to help you make your next ad amazing!


  1. Focus on the Benefits
  2. Use Dynamic Ads for Keyword Insertion
  3. Your Ad Keyword Should Match Your Landing Page Content
  4. Want to Write Awesome PPC Ad Copy? Include Numbers and Statistics in Headlines
  5. Leverage Ad Extensions
  6. Add CTAs
  7. Include Keywords in Display URLs
  8. Address Potential Objections in Your Ads
  9. Use the Search Term in Your Headline
  10. Include Social Proof for Credibility
  11. Talk to the Searcher
  12. Include Qualifying Elements in Your Ad Copy
  13. Use Emotional Triggers

1 Focus on the Benefits

Your product can be the ripest peach in the orchard, and yet, if your ad doesn’t convey the sweetness, you’ll be hard-pressed to increase your CTR.

Take a look at Domain’s example:

Screenshot of an ad for

They’re not just telling their prospects: “We’ve got what you need.” They’re actively reminding them of what the benefits are:

What concrete goals will your customers achieve with your product or service?
E.g., Reach More Leads; Increase Revenue; Save Time, Solve a pain point.

Ad Copy Takeaway: Understand your customers’ pain points and goals. What do they want to achieve? Can your product help them achieve it? If yes, mention it in your ad.

2 Use Dynamic Ads for Keyword Insertion

Your ad has to match the searcher’s intent. The best way to do it is with Dynamic Keyword Insertion.

Both ads would have the same copy. Both would emphasize the benefits. However, the keywords are dynamically inserted in the headline to reflect the visitor’s intent.

With DKI, you won’t have to read your prospects’ minds.

DKI will automatically insert keywords relevant to the search queries each prospect used.

This makes your ad more relevant to every individual prospect. Consequently, you’ll have a much higher CTR and conversion rate.

Ad Copy Takeaway: Select “Keyword Insertion” when choosing between dynamic ad options and enter all the appropriate keywords after conducting keyword research.

What is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

It is an advanced feature in Google Ads. It allows you to dynamically update your ad copy to include the keyword that matches the searcher’s query.

3 Your Ad Keyword Should Match Your Landing Page Content

Landing pages should be like snowflakes
 Each one should be unique. So if you want to rock the socks off PPC copywriting, you should make sure your ad keyword matches your landing page content.

We have a great example from Mailerlite. We want to see the comparison of plans on the landing page.

Google ad showing a comparison add for Mailerlite vs Convertkit

When you click through to the landing page, you’ll come across a page made specifically for comparing Mailerlite with Convertkit in a handy table format:

This way, Mailerlite’s ad keyword matches their landing page content.

Ad Copy Takeaway: Think of it this way: you promise something in your ad. So when your prospects click through, they want to see you make good on your promise. And you will, with a landing page that’s specific to the ad and the keyword that hooked your leads in the first place.

4 Want to Write Awesome PPC Ad Copy? Include Numbers and Statistics in Headlines

There’s no way around it: people trust ads mentioning numbers and statistics. It’s just human nature.

Google Ad showing GreenGeeks web hosting

The number in the ad serves two purposes:

  1. It catches your prospects’ attention
  2. It provides a starting price

Ad Copy Takeaway:

  • Use your number of users and clients: e.g., ‘1000 happy users and counting!’
  • Use your results: e.g., ‘We helped our clients increase their revenue by 125%!’
  • Use your experience: e.g., ‘10 years at the forefront of email marketing!’
  • User your pricing e.g., ‘Starting from $2.95/mo!’

In general, if it’s a number specific to your company, use it in your headline.

5 Leverage Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are a great way to explain and highlight benefits without cramming them in the description.

Google Ad for It's highlighting the ad extensions.

Rentalcars, a platform to rent cars easily online, successfully leverages ad extensions to occupy more search real estate.

Additionally, ad extensions are a great way to give your users more chances to interact with your ad, increasing your conversion rate.

Ad Copy Takeaway: Select ad extensions that work best for your audience. When it comes to SaaS companies, the following work best:

  • Sitelinks (great for education and middle-of-the-funnel prospects)
  • Call/email/message extensions
  • Callout extensions (e.g. “24/7 customer support” or “10% Discount”)

6 Add CTAs

An ad without a CTA is like telling your prospects: ‘Click or don’t click, we don’t really care.’

Your prospects want to be invited to take the next step.

Google Ad for Shopify

In this case, the folks at Shopify are using the callout ad extension to invite the searchers to find products to sell.

If you don’t want to use a call extension, you can place the CTA in the headline

Google Ad for Easystore that focuses on starting a 14 day free trial.

 or in the copy of your Google ad.

Google Ad for Pipedrive.

From our experience, CTAs in headlines are by far the most effective. However, ad extension CTAs work like a charm, too!

Ad Copy Takeaway: The key to writing great Google Ads copy is a very simple formula:

  • Put the main benefit and the CTA at the forefront – in the headline
  • Add other benefits in the ad copy
  • Use ad extensions to spice up your offer

7 Include Keywords in Display URLs

If you want to master PPC copywriting, you have to understand one very important thing: every time you use a keyword, you’re giving yourself an opportunity to reflect your prospect’s intent.

So why leave your display URL generic?

Use your display URL to remind the prospect that they’re going to the right place by clicking on your ad.

Ad Copy Takeaway: Use the keywords the majority of your audience uses to reach your ad, or

Turn your display URL into a CTA, just like Taxicode.

8 Address Potential Objections in Your Ads

Potential clients struggle with numerous objections.

Some are afraid of spending money. Others aren’t sure that their new tool will be easy to use. Others have big companies and worry about adoption.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to address your prospects’ objections in your ads.

When searching for eCommerce tools for small businesses, we came across this Shopify ad and loved it!

They’re addressing plenty of objections small business owners have:

  • Price and risk (‘Try Shopify for free today’ / ‘Fraud prevention’)
  • Ease of use (‘99.99% Average Uptime’ / ‘$0 Cost for 14 Days’)
  • Integration with other tools (‘Fully hosted’ / ‘Drop Shipping Integration’ / ‘Fulfillment Integration’ / ‘Social media integration’)

Ad Copy Takeaway: Learn what your customers’ common objections are, and address them in your ad by emphasizing related benefits.

9 Use the Search Term in Your Headline

Logically, everyone knows that your ad is an ad.

But when your prospects see you using their search terms in your ads, they’ll feel more connected to you. They will feel like your product was made with their unique needs in mind.

Hotels perfectly adapts to our search term: ‘hotel with a pool in London.’

Ad Copy Takeaway:

  • Use DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion)
  • Use the search terms your customers commonly use
  • Paraphrase common search terms

10 Include Social Proof for Credibility

Consumers trust other consumers more than brands, which is why we see an uptick in-site links, including ‘Case studies’ and ‘Testimonials’

All of them direct potential customers to pages with social proof.

Writing ad copy that reflects the fact you’ve got a track record of helping your customers succeed is going to make your potential customers more interested in doing business with you.

This is especially important if your products or services have a heftier price tag.

Ad Copy Takeaway: In addition to using ad extensions to link to your testimonial page, you can also reflect social proof in the copy:

  • ‘Our customers earned over $124 million with the help of our software.’
  • ‘Serving more than 2,000 satisfied customers.’
  • Quotes from customers
  • Mention of any awards you have won

11 Talk to the Searcher

Usually, ad copy is all about boasting about the features and the benefits of your products.

So if you want to entice your customers, it’s time to start asking questions and talking to them one-on-one.

Google ad for opteo

Try switching things around, like the folks at Opteo do.

Instead of bragging about their tool, they’re being conversational and talking to the searcher as if they were friends. They’re showing interest and how they can help you save time.

Ad Copy Takeaway: Ask the searchers questions, and show empathy for their goals:

  • ‘How Much Would Your Company Earn without Data Silos?’
  • ‘Growing a small business is rough, but we can help.’

12 Include Qualifying Elements in Your Ad Copy

You pay for every click, so make sure that’s a well-placed click. You can leverage your ad copy to weed out the people who won’t be interested in your offer.

Sometimes, this is because of your price. Other times, it’s because of your features.

But when you add qualifying elements to your ad copy, you’re reducing the amount of wasted clicks and increasing the personalization of your copy.

Google ad for Brosix focusing on enterprise companies in the ad.

Ad Copy Takeaway:

  • If your pricing is higher than your competitors’, state the price in the headline
  • Emphasize who your product is for (e.g., small business owners, enterprise etc)
  • Address your target users

13 Use Emotional Triggers

Your prospects may be logical, but they’re also emotional. In the end, logic is rarely the ultimate purchasing factor.

We buy because of what we feel.

And if you want to become a pro at PPC copywriting, you should use emotional triggers in your ad copy.

Lawyers definitely know what’s up.

Ad Copy Takeaway: Empathize with your customers and use the following elements in your ad copy:

  • Instant gratification (e.g., ‘Get the success you deserve’)
  • Loss aversion (e.g., ‘Save 45%’)
  • Greed (‘Start my free trial’)
  • Pride (‘Become the smartest marketer’)


Ready to Boost Your Bottom Line with PPC Copywriting?

If you want to write profit-boosting ad copy, follow these 13 ideas:

  1. Focus on the benefits of your product
  2. Use Dynamic Keywords Insertion
  3. Make sure your landing page content matches your ad keyword
  4. Include numbers and statistics in headlines
  5. Leverage ad extensions
  6. Add CTAs
  7. Include keywords in display URLs
  8. Address potential objections in your ads
  9. Use the search term in your headline
  10. Include social proof
  11. Talk to the searcher
  12. Include qualifying elements in your ad copy
  13. Use emotional triggers

You’ll be on your way to a sky-high conversion rate before you can say: ‘Jot that down!’

Celia Yarwood
Co-Founder @ Hey Digital. Design ninja, crystal lover and stationery nerd.

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